$R0OK, a cryptocurrency with the intent of fostering a community of dedicated mental-health activists (Press Release)

r0ok Token
3 min readSep 14, 2021

In 2019, it was reported that the United States spends $225 billion on mental healthcare, a staggering figure accompanying the one in five Americans who suffer from mental illness. A therapy session can cost between $65 and $250, and the average patient will spend between $10,000 and $50,000 on their condition each year. All of this amidst a global pandemic, a decrease in workforce participation, and the information overload all people suffer from in the modern world. [source: https://openminds.com/intelligence-report/the-u-s-mental-health-market-225-1-billion-in-spending-in-2019-an-open-minds-market-intelligence-report/]

$R0OK token is a cryptocurrency project founded by fashion designer Tyler Campos with the intent of fostering a community of dedicated mental-health activists seeking to destigmatize the conversation surrounding any and all forms of mental illness. With 2% holder rewards, 2% charity burn, and 2% allocation to project development, $R0OK seeks to help you BREAK THE STIGMA while BUILDING your bank at the same time.

$R0OK was founded in May of 2021, and saw an incredibly successful $150,000 presale event. Since May, Campos has been diligently gathering $R0OK warriors through his Discord community, promoting $R0OK token and hosting weekly events, including but not limited to Self-Care Sundays, an all-day marathon of games, movies, trivia, and livestreams to build up confidence and help stabilize community members who participate, preparing them for the week ahead.

Recently, $R0OK just unveiled its website version 2.0! A product of many late nights, $R0OK’s new site is easier to navigate and read than ever before, and features the most up-to-date interviews with Campos himself, including the recent announcement of $R0OK’s addition to the portfolio of coins held in SafePal’s S1 hardware wallets!

$R0OK’s community Discord server contains a number of empathetic and considerate people, and is a SAFE-SPACE for discussing the complex issues that arise when living with mental illness of any variety in the modern world. Mental illnesses, and the self-care that must accompany them, are becoming an endemic part of life and all while mainstream media continues to use mental illness as a crutch with which to discuss the reprehensible behavior of lone-wolf terrorists.

$R0OK is a part of the future, a future in which all those who suffer from the slings and arrows of their own mind may be as free to discuss their struggle as those who broke down other social barriers before them. By buying $R0OK, you are directly contributing to the destigmatization of mental healthcare in not just the United States or the crypto space, but the entire world.

Buy $R0OK. Break The Stigma. Build Your Bank.


A special message from Tyler Campos: “Thank you everyone, for your interest in my project. This is a passion for me, for more reasons than I could hope to cover in a single statement. I sincerely hope you’ll take a moment and think about anyone in your life that has been impacted by any form of mental illness. We all know someone. I’m doing this for all of us, and all those someones in all our lives that need to know they aren’t alone, and that getting help is not impossible, no matter how it may feel. Stay strong, Warriors. -Ty”



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